Please Don’t Ghost

By Studio
10 March 2025
5 min read
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Survival manual for navigating dysfunctional agency-client relationships (yes, even in 2025)

Hello! We are I MILLE and this is our newsletter. We call it Forward because we strive to look ahead (and also because if you enjoy what we write, you can always forward it to someone you like).

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I’m Samantha Colombo, Creative Lead at I MILLE. When I’m not busy writing and storytelling, I sometimes wonder what I did wrong to deserve dealing with certain red flags. Don’t worry—this isn’t about my personal life, but about the toxic work relationships that can pop up on the job.

Chances are you’ve experienced it at least once: a collaborator who vanishes right when you need their input, or one who buries you under last-minute demands. Client and supplier relationships can be every bit as toxic as romantic ones. The difference is that, at work, they can sink team morale, stall projects, and eventually tarnish a company’s reputation.

But when a professional relationship works, it doesn’t just benefit the immediate team—it boosts the entire organization, as highlighted in this article by Mailchimp.

Teams perform better, stress levels drop, communication improves, and the likelihood of a long-lasting, loyal partnership increases. The people on the project also get to work in a more relaxed, cohesive environment.

Below are a few pointers on turning your workplace red flags into green ones.

We Need To Talk

Endless calls at any hour of the day? They ask for a budget but leave your messages on read? They micromanage every step of the process? You do everything, and all you get in return is a half-hearted thank you?

Red Flag. You might be stuck in a toxic work relationship with a client or supplier.

According to a Salesforce study, 86% of employees blame poor communication for the failure of many projects. Combine this with the impersonal speed of emails and instant messaging, and you have the perfect environment for a toxic relationship—one that can lead to burnout or, at best, half-baked work.

Like in dating, sometimes you need to leave a relationship that damages your well-being. Set clear boundaries. Notice the signs of toxicity. And have the courage to end dysfunctional collaborations to protect everyone’s work.

Do It Together

A great example of a productive working relationship is the creation of Apple’s “Think Different” campaign.

Back in 1997, Apple was in dire financial straits and needed an image overhaul. Steve Jobs enlisted TBWA/Chiat/Day to create a new brand positioning and took an active role in every phase of brainstorming.

In an interview, Lee Clow—then Creative Director at TBWA/Chiat/Day—highlights Jobs’s creative influence on the campaign, especially in drafting the commercial.

Jobs had a clear vision of the final outcome and wasn’t shy about dismissing ideas that didn’t meet his standards. However, he remained open to ideas that challenged his perspective, as long as they were compelling. Throughout the creative process, Jobs worked closely with the advertising team to refine every detail, from the message’s tone to the graphic design.

That tight collaboration produced “Think Different,” which became a phenomenal success, not only reviving Apple’s public image but also emerging as a cultural touchstone for innovators and creatives worldwide. It perfectly captured Jobs’s philosophy and Apple’s positioning as a company daring to break the mold.

“He was entirely responsible for ultimately giving the go-ahead on the right ad campaign from the right agency, and he used his tremendous influence to secure talent and rally people like no one I’ve ever seen.” — Rob Siltanen, Copywriter on the campaign

The “Think Different” campaign shows how inviting a very demanding client into the creative process can be both helpful and necessary—preventing dissatisfaction and avoiding misalignment with the brand’s vision.

How To Detox In 5 Easy Steps

If you’re dealing with a toxic client, supplier, or business partner, remember that the main problem is allowing it to continue. Sure, being blunt might feel good—telling them exactly where they can go—but that’s not always the smartest move. The real challenge is transforming toxic relationships into healthy ones. How?

  1. Set clear boundaries from the start. Lay out expectations and limits at the beginning of every project. Put everything in writing, from deadlines to communication preferences.
  2. Talk it out. Sometimes the other party is just confused and doesn’t know what they want, let alone how to communicate it. Don’t assume anything—ask for clarity so you can propose sensible solutions.
  3. Don’t ghost them back. If your business partner disappears or won’t respond, don’t do the same. Send a reminder, reach out, and make sure they understand their input is crucial for meeting deadlines.
  4. Bring them into your day-to-day. Try getting them more involved in decision-making and processes. If needed, host workshops to help them feel genuinely part of the project.
  5. Know when to say enough. Don’t fear saying no or turning down collaborations that clash with your work approach. It’s better to let them go and keep a positive atmosphere for your team.

‘Til Deadline Do Us Part

We’ve reached the end of this newsletter—and also the start of 2025—so here’s wishing you a year filled with thriving, profitable professional relationships. Be bold when you need to say no, and harness the right strategies to turn a toxic partnership into a fruitful one.

Now that you’ve made it this far, I have a question for you: What are your tactics for transforming a toxic collaboration into a healthy relationship? Got any stories you’d like to share?

Drop them in the comments—we’ll be grabbing the popcorn.

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