Always up to date Cotral brand new website
United we jump ITAS meets Gianmarco Tamberi to redefine the idea of community
Stay dedicated A new brand for Deda
G-Shock Revolution How G-Shock transformed its communication with an integrated strategy spanning social media, digital outreach, and in-store experience
MSC Sport It’s fun to be the perfect teamplayer
Qui Puoi. Lo spazio #PerTe An open-air stage brought to you by Regione Lombardia
A Negroni Revolution The Count is back with Malfy Gin
From sea to the city A urban lighthouse for MSC
A Digital Evolution for the E-Mobility Power up Enel X Way
A box full of style Malfy Gin partners with E. Marinella to toast to Italian taste
Make to inspire We rebranded Maire Tecnimont and redesigned their digital ecosystem
Diventa grande A film on growth and self-awareness for Alpha Test
Imagine Big, Do Better A new culture for Bolton Group
Circular Designing the language of A2A Life Company
Good for You, Good for the Planet Helping Barilla Group think inside the blue box
Live Your Zone Don't leave your comfort zone, live it with LUZN
To infinity and GoBeyond The responsible innovation platform of Sisal
Make Space for Art BAW down to the bigger, better, badder art wall
Next Talent Become the crown jewel of Morellato
The Perfect Pitch Literally, it's a soccer pitch for St. Ambroeus FC
Full Reality Brand identity and website for Invrsion
Buona Questa! An integrated campaign for Polenta Valsugana
©2004–24 Imille Srl Società Benefit
Viale Francesco Restelli 1, 20124 MilanoVAT: IT04198690960SDI: HZCWRQ5