A Podcast for Cose Molto Elettrificate


Enel Italia




Content Strategy

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In order to help Enel communicate to its clients the importance of the energy transition and raise awareness on electrification, we created Cose Molto Elettrificate (Very Electrified Things), a podcast spin-off of Cose Molto Umane (Very Human Things), by Gianpiero Kesten.
Nowadays, electrification is quite the buzzword—literally. In order to show its potential and the opportunities derived from the energy transition, Enel needed to raise awareness on this topic and answer all the questions related to it, talking to a broad audience in a fun, easy-going, and actually useful way. Electrification, energy transition, and decarbonization: in order to bring these words closer to such a broad audience, Enel needed to present them from different perspectives. At the same time, it was necessary to convey the innovative aspect of the transformation Enel was promoting.
We decided on a podcast: being one of the fast-growing types of media of the last few years, it made an implicit connection between the audio revolution that podcasts represent and the groundbreaking advantages that electrification can bring. Moreover, a podcast provided us with the opportunity to create a six-episode series to deal with a wide range of aspects, engaging and creating loyalty with the audience. To talk to as many people as possible, we created the (probably) first branded-content podcast that aimed at popularizing themes related to electrification. We reached this goal by creating Cose Molto Elettrificate, a spin-off of an existing podcast, Cose Molto Umane by Gianpiero Kesten. We detected an already existing product that fit the communication method we wanted to adopt and created a new product that was a branded declination of it. Cose Molto Elettrificate worked on an already loyal audience and took its strength from a distinctive tone of voice and a consolidated format that allowed us to present technical elements in a very accessible way. Moreover, our audience had fun while learning something new.
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