Open Days meet Open Doors






Art Direction
Motion Design

We opened the door to creativity and possibilities for design students through a collaborative campaign and series of events, enhancing the visibility of the European Institute of Design’s Open Days.

The Istituto Europeo di Design is a constantly expanding international network that offers young professionals from different backgrounds and cultures the knowledge and tools they need to cater to the constantly developing requirements of the working world. Every year, IED organizes a series of events, with the aim of promoting its offer to different target audiences in all the cities where it’s present. From Open Days addressed to young people who are approaching advanced training for the first time, to Professional Days designed for those who already work and are looking for new challenges. From Creative Days to the days dedicated to Design Thinking. An initiative consistent with the IED concept—Find your difference—for which a strong and recognizable creative strategy was needed. It had to be, on the one hand, distinctive in comparison to the other Italian and international professional schools, on the other, suitable for different countries, cultures and tastes.
We knew from the beginning that the campaign would have success only if it communicated the entire series of events in a consistent and recognizable manner. We thought that the path of each creative is personal, fluid, full of contamination, passion and intuitions also dictated by pure instinct. At IED, no two paths are the same because there is no single way to be a creative talent. For a creative person, each door is unique. Because it hides what will make them different from anyone else. Only by opening that door is it possible to enter the world of IED and find your own "difference". So here’s how we worked. First, we created the central idea, referring to the concept of the door as the opening of a career path. For every design, in fact, the door is unique. Then, through a series of workshops, we defined the creative world of IED by sharing our ideas with the students and asking for their active contribution. Finally, we played around, choosing alongside them, what to include in the campaign: concepts and objects, animals, plants, things, chromatic combinations and cacophonies. We have not simply declined visuals on different platforms. We chose to engage the target audience fluidly and with flexibility, exploiting the peculiarities of each medium. Website, social media, guerrilla marketing, out of home: for each medium its own language, for each creative talent, their own door to open.
Inspire + Transform +Inspire + Transform +Inspire + Transform +
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Hit us up and let’s get to work.

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Viale Francesco Restelli 1, 20124 Milano
VAT: IT04198690960

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