Making the Realm of Sweet Dreams a Virtual Reality


Pan di Stelle


Food & Beverage


Art Direction
Experience Design
An immersive experience where virtual and augmented reality come together: with the app developed for Oculus Rift, we made people fly to the castle of the Realm of Dreams. Accompanying Pan di Stelle on a tour that touched ten shopping centers throughout Italy. 
Eurochocolate is Europe's most important chocolate promotion event. For its participation in Eurochocolate 2014 Pan di Stelle asked us to imagine an innovative experience with a high emotional impact that could engage the public and make the brand's promise a reality: to make people dream.
The solution
We designed an augmented reality experience that recreates a setting consistent with the Pan di Stelle imagery. Wearing an Oculus Rift helmet, people could "fly" into a world where dream and reality blur. The augmented reality effect was transformed into a virtual flight to the Dream Kingdom Castle, a 360-degree 3D tour made possible by Oculus technology and amplified by environmental effects that gave the experience a fourth dimension. To immortalize the memory of the incredible Dream Kingdom experience, the exterior walls of the Pan di Stelle Island were customized to inspire consumers to take a selfie, which they could then share on their social profiles using the hashtag #selfiedistelle. Visitors also were guided through a sensory journey to discover the ingredients of the Pan di Stelle cookie. With Pan di Stelle we were able to envision an experience and campaign based on the desire to experiment, to communicate by innovating, always trying to explore new possibilities and to push ourselves and our customers one step further.
Inspire + Transform +Inspire + Transform +Inspire + Transform +
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Viale Francesco Restelli 1, 20124 Milano
VAT: IT04198690960

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