Move with the times, at the speed of culture.

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Creative AI tools have gone mainstream. Have they lost their primitive, often disturbing but powerful soul?
12 May 23
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It is truly a great time for experiments as artificial intelligence is allowing us to rediscover something we had taken for granted: speculative design. Design has always been speculative, but now it …
08 May 23
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In the 19th century, tablets engraved with a mysterious script, rongorongo, which has not yet been deciphered, were found on Easter Island. What we do know is that people probably read by …
20 February 23
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With an increasingly dynamic labor market, and the constant changes associated with innovation and technological transformations, organizations are becoming less and less "stable" internally. A permanent position is an antique, and good …
02 February 23
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Is advertising harmful to people and the society? And do those in communications still do, in essence, what dear old lying advertising has always done?  We asked ourselves questions like these, and …
30 January 23
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There is a lot of talk these days about the tarnishing of leaders of big tech companies - from Bezos's space travel to Zuckerberg's difficulties to the psychodrama Musk has brought into …
23 January 23
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Innovate is one of the watchwords of our time. There is no company, organization or person who does not like to present themselves as innovative. The word "innovation" must appear in our …
09 January 23
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The future of brands is the future Choosing We like to think of brands as shortcuts -or gateways - that show us the way, help us filter through the hundreds of products …
19 December 22
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Imagine 12 people who do not know each other, living for 10 days in a beautiful place, surrounded by nature, away from everyday venues. Perhaps a big house on an island in …
02 December 22
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The Netflix miniseries The Playlist, about the birth and evolution of Spotify, is very interesting to understand how a digital product is born, and what cultural, technological, design and business challenges it …
28 November 21
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